There are 9 species of Bearded Dragons. Most common is Coastal or Eastern Bearded Dragon
There are 9 species of Bearded Dragons. Most common is Coastal or Eastern Bearded Dragon
Size: 16-20 inches
Lifespan: 7-15 years
Native: Australia
Lifespan: 10-20 years
Tank: 40-50 gallon
Substrate: For juveniles, any loose substrate including sand should be avoided, as there is too great a risk of ingestion.
** Omnivorous:
means they consume both animal and plant materials.
** Do not feed iceberg lettuce as it has very little nutritional value and may give them the 'runs'.
** Powder their greens and bugs in Calcium Vitamin D3 before serving
** Do not feed iceberg lettuce as it has very little nutritional value and may give them the 'runs'.
** Powder their greens and bugs in Calcium Vitamin D3 before serving
Feed: Crickets,
Worms. 60-75% Greens: Mustard Greens, Collard Greens, Kale, Red Lettuce.
Hatchlings: Feed 2-3 times a day in very SMALL bites.
Young: Feed 3-4 times weekly.
Adults: Fresh plants daily and live food 7-10 days.
Water: Shallow
dish. They receive water from greens they eat. Or, soak your reptile in
lukewarm water for 10 minutes once a week.
** ALL
Lighting must be changed every 6-8 months
** Must have a cooling area in the enclosure.
** Must have a cooling area in the enclosure.
Lighting: UV / UVB lighting. UVB emissions help prevent or reverse metabolic bone disease and UVA increases feeding, mating, and other natural behaviors (12-14 hours)
Heat Lamp (24 hour heat source)
Normal - Bearded dragon offspring from breeding two bearded dragons with different traits.
Hypo - Bearded dragon offspring from breeding two bearded dragons with hypomelanism traits. Generally the offspring are lighter in color and have a significant reduction of dark colors in the skin, eyes, and nails.
Trans - Bearded dragon offspring from breeding two bearded dragons with translucent traits which makes their skin appear to be slightly translucent/see-through. Generally trans bearded dragons have solid black eyes.
Hypo Trans - Bearded dragons that lack dark colors and have slightly transparent/translucent skin.
Het Hypo - Bearded dragons that carry the hypomelanism trait, yet do not display it visually. If a het hypo produces offspring, some of the offspring may show the hypomelanism trait while others don't (this is largely dependent on the traits of bearded dragon which it was bred with).
Het Trans - Bearded dragons that carry the translucent trait, yet do not display it visually. When they produce offspring, some of the offspring may show the translucent trait, while others may not (this depends on the traits of the other bearded dragon which was mated).
Double Het - Bearded dragons that carry both the hypomelanism and translucent traits, yet do not display them visually. Their offspring may or may not show these traits, depending on the traits carried by the other bearded dragon which was used to mate.
Hypo Het Trans - Bearded dragons that show the hypomelanism trait, yet carry (and don't display) the translucent traits.
Trans Het Hypo - Bearded dragons that show the translucent trait, yet carry (and don't display) the hypomelanism trait.