Sunday, April 28, 2013


(2,700 species of snakes, only about 375 are considered to be poisonous and deadly)

** Most Snakes Reach full length or breeding size at age 2-3 years

Length equal to the length of the snake.

Heat: 80-95°

Cooling Temperature: 70-75°

Lighting: UV / UVB lighting

Water: Shallow dish

Bedding: Aspen Snake Bedding by ZooMed. Cypress for more humid snakes.

Feed: Rodents, rabbits, pinkies. (Measure by size of snake’s girth) Feed Once or Twice a week. The more you feed the faster they grow, overfeeding can cause regurgitation.

Shedding: Once every few weeks for young. Every few months for adults.

Not Recommended:  Hot pads, heat rocks, heat tape.