Sunday, April 28, 2013


Guinea Pigs
Lifespan: 5-7 years

Housing: Big enough for it to run in and must be Indoors! You’ll need a solid-bottom cage (wire floors can hurt their feet). Never use a glass aquarium, due to the poor ventilation that it provides. Medium flower pot or covered sleeping box.

Bedding: Do not use cedar or pine chips—the oils they contain can be dangerous to your pets

Toys: Places for it to hide, Chewing toys, puzzles and things for digging.

Feed: Guinea pig pellets, small amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables to your guinea pigs every day. Try grapes, cucumbers, corn, peas, carrots and pears. Grass hay available to your pets at all times.

Water: Fresh water daily in attachable water bottle with drinking tube.

Health: Guinea pigs’ teeth grow continuously, just like those of other rodents. That’s why it is important that you provide yours with something to gnaw on at all times.

Links to Homemade Toys!