Sunday, April 28, 2013




Warning Some Toads have enlarged glands (called the paratoid glands) on the side of the neck, one behind each eye. These glands secrete a viscous white poison that gets smeared in the mouth of any would-be predator, inflaming the mouth and throat and causing nausea, irregular heart beat, and, in extreme cases, death.

** Arboreal: Any frog that spends a major portion of its lifespan in trees

Terrestrial: An animal that lives on land opposed to living in water, or sometimes an animal that lives on or near the ground, as opposed to arboreal life (in trees)

Housing: 50 - 75 gallon tank or larger

Terrain: Lots of twigs, branches, plants and places for it to hide and climb.

Water: Shallow bowl for it to bathe in or swim in. Keep the environment moist by misting (do not over water their home, this can cause mold).

Bedding: coconut fiber bedding, cypress mulch, moss. (some toads like to hide under dirt)

** If you have a tropical frog, a heat lamp is necessary. Frogs native to North America can usually handle cooler temperatures

Lighting: Most do not need special lighting, just heat. Infrared Heat Lamp can work. Or lighting for basking.

Temperature: 65° - 75°

Humidity: 60-90%

Feed: Crickets, worms, but some larger Amphibians eat pinkies.